Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne Visits Stream Systems

From the left, Stream System's Bruno Rizzuto, Dumitru Cernelev and Allan Chegus with Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne (centre), and GE CIO Gandeephan Ganeshalingam (right of Wynne).

From the left, Stream System's Bruno Rizzuto, Dumitru Cernelev and Allan Chegus with Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne (centre), and GE CIO Gandeephan Ganeshalingam (right of Wynne).

Today, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne visited the GE Customer Innovation Centre to speak with companies involved with Zone Startups Calgary. This marks the second of her two-day Alberta tour, where she has been meeting with political leaders, business experts and innovators.

She stopped by Stream Systems to speak with Allan Chegus, Dumitru Cernelev and Bruno Rizzuto about Stream’s innovative simulation software.

Bruno Rizzuto and Allan Chegus with Premier Kathleen Wynne.

Bruno Rizzuto and Allan Chegus with Premier Kathleen Wynne.

“Can I use your software to solve political problems?” Wynne joked.

Chegus informed Wynne of Stream’s ability to optimize complex networks, citing Ontario’s public transit system as a prime example. With multiple variables dependent on each other while interacting in a complex network, Stream’s software enables bottlenecks to be found, and efficiencies to be implemented.

Dumitru Cernelev, Bruno Rizzuto and Allan Chegus with Premier Kathleen Wynne.

Dumitru Cernelev, Bruno Rizzuto and Allan Chegus with Premier Kathleen Wynne.

Thank you to Premier Wynne for the visit, and for learning about what Stream can do not only for the future of oil and gas, but also for optimizing complex networks in a variety of industries.